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Ash Wednesday

7.30pm  Mass & Imposition of Ashes


Stations of the Cross: 

Fridays, from 7th March, 6.00pm. 

A simple devotion as we follow the journey of Jesus from his trial to his burial.



Tuesdays from 11th March, 8.00pm. 

The last service of the day - the traditional version of the service will be used.


Discussion Group:

Thursdays, 7.30pm, at the Vicarage.


2025 is the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicea, at which the main creed, statement of faith, of the Church was agreed.  To mark this anniversary, the Lent groups will be based around the ‘Nicene’ creed looking at what is a creed, and the four marks of the Church as declared in the creed.


6th March:         God the Father

13th March:       God the Son, the Incarnation

20th March:       Redemption

27th March:       The Holy Spirit

3rd April:            Holy Catholic and Apostolic

10th April:          The Last Things


Seder Meal:

Saturday 12th April, 7.00pm

A traditional Passover meal such as Jesus might have shared with his disciples at the Last Supper.


Chrism Mass

10th April, Exeter Cathedral

11am Mass, followed by a buffet lunch

2.15pm Catechesis,  3pm Benediction


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Palm Sunday

10.00am  Parish Mass with Procession

4.00pm  Evensong & Benediction


Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday in Holy Week 

7.00pm  Holy Eucharist & Address


Maundy Thursday                   

7.30pm  Mass of the Lord’s Supper

& Passion Vigil


Good Friday 

10.00am  Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion

(Hot Cross Buns in the Church Hall after)

2.00pm  Last Hour Before the Cross


Holy Saturday

8.00pm  Easter Vigil & First Mass of Easter

(Easter party in the church hall following this service)


Easter Day

8.00am    Said Eucharist (traditional language)

10.00am  The Parish Mass

6.30pm    Solemn Evensong & Benediction​​

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